Contracts Documentation 0.8.3

This section covers the changes in SYMMIO v0.8.3 from v0.8.2

General Changes:

Remove unnecessary nonce increase

There were some scenarios before in the contracts where we increased the nonce to make everything more secure. However, upon further consideration, we realized that it is not necessary and makes other processes in the system, like liquidation, more complex. Therefore, we've removed the nonce increase in the following methods:

  • allocate()

  • deallocate()

  • transferAllocation()

  • allocateForPartyB()

  • deallocateForPartyB()

Other Bug Fixed And Enhancements

  • Add notSuspended modifier to depositAndAllocate, internalTransfer

  • Add newAllocatedAmount in InternalTransfer, transferDeallocation events

  • Skip the check in openPosition that checks whether the remaining position value is acceptable if the rest is going to be cancelled

Last updated


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