
In order to place trades using a SYMM frontend solution or otherwise, it's necessary to create a sub-account using a MultiAccount contract that is whitelisted to interact with the hedger. Users are required to provide a name as an input parameter when they create a sub-account. All positions on a sub-account are in CROSS, but positions between sub-accounts are ISOLATED.

MultiAccount Contract Functions

Initialization and Setup


Initializes the MultiAccount contract with roles and addresses necessary for operation.

    function initialize(address admin, address symmioAddress_, bytes memory accountImplementation_) public initializer {

        _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin);
        _grantRole(PAUSER_ROLE, admin);
        _grantRole(UNPAUSER_ROLE, admin);
        _grantRole(SETTER_ROLE, admin);
        accountsAdmin = admin;
        symmioAddress = symmioAddress_;
        accountImplementation = accountImplementation_;
  • Parameters:

    • admin: The administrator's address who will have default and control roles.

    • symmioAddress_: Address of the Symmio platform to interact with.

    • accountImplementation_: Bytecode for the account implementation to be used (SymmioPartyA).

Account Management


Creates a new sub-account for a user with a specified name.

    function addAccount(string memory name) external whenNotPaused {
        address account = _deployPartyA();
        indexOfAccount[account] = accounts[msg.sender].length;
        accounts[msg.sender].push(Account(account, name));
        owners[account] = msg.sender;
        emit AddAccount(msg.sender, account, name);


  • name: Name of the sub-account.

Emits: AddAccount event upon successful creation.


Allows the owner to change the name of an existing sub-account.

    function editAccountName(address accountAddress, string memory name) external whenNotPaused {
        uint256 index = indexOfAccount[accountAddress];
        accounts[msg.sender][index].name = name;
        emit EditAccountName(msg.sender, accountAddress, name);


  • accountAddress: Address of the account to rename.

  • name: New name for the account.

Emits: EditAccountName event.


Deposits funds into a sub-account from the owner's balance.

    function depositForAccount(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyOwner(account, msg.sender) whenNotPaused {
        address collateral = ISymmio(symmioAddress).getCollateral();
        IERC20Upgradeable(collateral).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        IERC20Upgradeable(collateral).safeApprove(symmioAddress, amount);
        ISymmio(symmioAddress).depositFor(account, amount);
        emit DepositForAccount(msg.sender, account, amount);


  • account: Address of the sub-account.

  • amount: Amount to deposit.

Emits: DepositForAccount event.


Deposits funds into a sub-account and allocates them for trading.

    function depositAndAllocateForAccount(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyOwner(account, msg.sender) whenNotPaused {
        address collateral = ISymmio(symmioAddress).getCollateral();
        IERC20Upgradeable(collateral).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        IERC20Upgradeable(collateral).safeApprove(symmioAddress, amount);
        ISymmio(symmioAddress).depositFor(account, amount);
        uint256 amountWith18Decimals = (amount * 1e18) / (10 ** IERC20Metadata(collateral).decimals());
        bytes memory _callData = abi.encodeWithSignature("allocate(uint256)", amountWith18Decimals);
        innerCall(account, _callData);
        emit DepositForAccount(msg.sender, account, amount);
        emit AllocateForAccount(msg.sender, account, amountWith18Decimals);


  • account: Address of the sub-account.

  • amount: Amount to deposit and allocate.

Emits: DepositForAccount and AllocateForAccount events.


Withdraws funds from a sub-account back to the owner's address.

    function withdrawFromAccount(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyOwner(account, msg.sender) whenNotPaused {
        bytes memory _callData = abi.encodeWithSignature("withdrawTo(address,uint256)", owners[account], amount);
        emit WithdrawFromAccount(msg.sender, account, amount);
        innerCall(account, _callData);


  • account: Address of the sub-account.

  • amount: Amount to withdraw.

Emits: WithdrawFromAccount event.

Access Control


Allows the owner of a sub-account to delegate control over specific functions to another address.

    function delegateAccess(address account, address target, bytes4 selector, bool state) external onlyOwner(account, msg.sender) {
        require(target != msg.sender && target != account, "MultiAccount: invalid target");
        emit DelegateAccess(account, target, selector, state);
        delegatedAccesses[account][target][selector] = state;


  • account: Address of the sub-account.

  • target: Address to which access is delegated.

  • selector: Function selector for which access is granted.

  • state: Boolean to enable or disable access. true sets the delegation state to enabled, allowing the delegate to call the specified function on behalf of the sub-account

Emits: DelegateAccess event.


Batch version of delegateAccess for multiple function selectors.

    function delegateAccesses(address account, address target, bytes4[] memory selector, bool state) external onlyOwner(account, msg.sender) {
        require(target != msg.sender && target != account, "MultiAccount: invalid target");
        for (uint256 i = selector.length; i != 0; i--) {
            delegatedAccesses[account][target][selector[i - 1]] = state;
            emit DelegateAccess(account, target, selector[i - 1], state);


  • account, target, selector[], and state as in delegateAccess.

Emits: DelegateAccess event for each selector.

Configuration and Address Management


Sets new account implementation bytecode.

    function setAccountImplementation(bytes memory accountImplementation_) external onlyRole(SETTER_ROLE) {
        emit SetAccountImplementation(accountImplementation, accountImplementation_);
        accountImplementation = accountImplementation_;


  • accountImplementation_: New bytecode for account implementation.

Emits: SetAccountImplementation event.


Updates the address of the Symmio platform.

    function setSymmioAddress(address addr) external onlyRole(SETTER_ROLE) {
        emit SetSymmioAddress(symmioAddress, addr);
        symmioAddress = addr;


addr: New address for the Symmio platform.

Emits: SetSymmioAddress event.

Pausable Functionality


Pauses all pausable actions in the contract, preventing execution. Only callable by addresses with the PAUSER_ROLE.

    function pause() external onlyRole(PAUSER_ROLE) {


Resumes all actions in the contract after being paused. Only callable by addresses with the UNPAUSER_ROLE.

    function unpause() external onlyRole(UNPAUSER_ROLE) {

Internal and Utility Functions


Deploys a new sub-account using the current account implementation.

    function _deployPartyA() internal returns (address account) {
        bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("MultiAccount_", saltCounter));
        saltCounter += 1;

        bytes memory bytecode = abi.encodePacked(accountImplementation, abi.encode(accountsAdmin, address(this), symmioAddress));
        account = _deployContract(bytecode, salt);
        return account;

Returns: Address of the newly deployed account.


Internal function to deploy contracts using the create2 opcode.

    function _deployContract(bytes memory bytecode, bytes32 salt) internal returns (address contractAddress) {
        assembly {
            contractAddress := create2(0, add(bytecode, 32), mload(bytecode), salt)
        require(contractAddress != address(0), "MultiAccount: create2 failed");
        emit DeployContract(msg.sender, contractAddress);
        return contractAddress;


  • bytecode: Compiled bytecode of the contract.

  • salt: Salt used for create2 to determine the address.

Returns: Address of the deployed contract.


Internal function to invoke methods on other contracts.

    function _call(address account, bytes[] memory _callDatas) public whenNotPaused {
        bool isOwner = owners[account] == msg.sender;
        for (uint8 i; i < _callDatas.length; i++) {
            bytes memory _callData = _callDatas[i];
            if (!isOwner) {
                require(_callData.length >= 4, "MultiAccount: Invalid call data");
                bytes4 functionSelector;
                assembly {
                    functionSelector := mload(add(_callData, 0x20))
                require(delegatedAccesses[account][msg.sender][functionSelector], "MultiAccount: Unauthorized access");
            innerCall(account, _callData);


  • account: Account from which the call is made.

  • _callDatas[]: Array of call data to be executed.

Executes multiple calls in a single transaction if authorized.

View Functions


Returns the number of accounts owned by a user.

    function getAccountsLength(address user) external view returns (uint256) {
        return accounts[user].length;


  • user: Address of the user.

Returns: Number of accounts.


Retrieves a list of sub-accounts owned by a user.

    function getAccounts(address user, uint256 start, uint256 size) external view returns (Account[] memory) {
        uint256 len = size > accounts[user].length - start ? accounts[user].length - start : size;
        Account[] memory userAccounts = new Account[](len);
        for (uint256 i = start; i < start + len; i++) {
            userAccounts[i - start] = accounts[user][i];
        return userAccounts;


  • user: Owner's address.

  • start: Start index for pagination.

  • size: Number of accounts to return.

Returns: Array of Account structs.

Last updated


All rights to the people (c) 2023 Symmetry Labs A.G.