⛩ī¸Roadmap 2024

(Q2 what has been achieved & Q3/Q4 outlook are currently being prepared)

Q1-Q2 2024 Roadmap


v0.82 Deployment (April):

  • USDe Diamond Integration on Mantle:

    • Completion of integration, including multiple frontend launches.

  • Chain Deployments in May:

    • Expansion across various chains with multiple frontend launches.

v0.83 Development (May):

  • Audit Start:

    • Scheduled to begin in May.

  • Features:

    • Instant money transfers between subaccounts.

    • Enhancements to reduce RPC load, aiming to improve hedger downtime and stability.

    • Hedger-based stop loss contract modifications.

    • Improved force close feature to prevent closing issues.

    • Contract updates for third-party bridge integration for instant withdrawals.

    • Launch of the Diamond Indexer for easier hedger integrations.

v0.84 Development:

  • Testnet Implementation in June:

    • Introduction of instant open/close functionality.

Q3 Development:

  • Start of $SYMM token development following the completion of instant open/close features.

Note: The roadmap for Q3 and Q4 of 2024 is currently being prepared and will be shared in due course.

Last updated


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