Control Facet


Make forceCloseGapRatio per symbol

Different symbols with different volatility require different gap ratios for forceClose.

Updated Methods:

// From
function setForceCloseGapRatio(uint256 forceCloseGapRatio) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE)
// To
function setForceCloseGapRatio(uint256 symbolId, uint256 forceCloseGapRatio) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE)

// From
function forceCloseGapRatio() external view returns (uint256)
// To
function forceCloseGapRatio(uint256 symbolId) external view returns (uint256)

Added Affiliates into the System

All affiliates, such as intentX, Based, Befi, Core, etc., are now registered in the core contracts. Each affiliate can have a separate feeCollector. The new method sendQuoteWithAffiliate is introduced, and the old sendQuote method is deprecated and will likely be removed in the next version.

  • The affiliate field is added to the quote struct.

  • AFFILIATE_MANAGER_ROLE is introduced, granting control over adding new affiliates and changing their feeCollectors.

Added Methods:

function registerAffiliate(address affiliate) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.AFFILIATE_MANAGER_ROLE)

function deregisterAffiliate(address affiliate) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.AFFILIATE_MANAGER_ROLE)

function isAffiliate(address affiliate) external view returns (bool)

Updated Methods:

// From
function setFeeCollector(address feeCollector) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
// To
function setFeeCollector(address affiliate, address feeCollector) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.AFFILIATE_MANAGER_ROLE)

// From
function getFeeCollector() external view returns (address)
// To
function getFeeCollector(address affiliate) external view returns (address)

The old feeCollector storage is now renamed to defaultFeeCollectors and will be used as a fallback when a collector hasn’t been set for an affiliate. Corresponding setters and getters are also added for that.

Added setDeallocateDebounceTime()

function setDeallocateDebounceTime(uint256 deallocateDebounceTime) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetDeallocateDebounceTime(MAStorage.layout().deallocateDebounceTime, deallocateDebounceTime);
    MAStorage.layout().deallocateDebounceTime = deallocateDebounceTime;

Explanation: This function allows setting the deallocation debounce time. It emits an event SetDeallocateDebounceTime indicating the old and new debounce times.

Last updated