
The SymmioPartyB contract acts as a management contract for solvers or "Party B" . This contract allows for controlled interaction with the Symmio platform and external addresses for managing roles and permissions.

Key Changes in 0.8.4:

  • Reentrancy Protection: The _executeCall method now uses a custom nonReentrant modifier to prevent reentrancy attacks without altering the storage layout.

  • Access Control & Multicast Whitelisting: The contract restricts calls based on roles (e.g., MANAGER_ROLE, TRUSTED_ROLE) and maintains a whitelist for destinations allowed in multicast operations


The SymmioPartyB contract uses upgradeable libraries for pausing and access control. During initialization, it sets the admin roles and the address of the Symmio contract.


Function Signature:

function initialize(address admin, address symmioAddress_) public initializer;


  • admin: The address to receive the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, TRUSTED_ROLE, and MANAGER_ROLE.

  • symmioAddress_: The address of the Symmio contract with which this contract will interact.


symmioPartyB.initialize(adminAddress, symmioAddress);



Description: Updates the address of the Symmio contract. Only callable by users with the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE.

Function Signature:

function setSymmioAddress(address addr) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE);


  • addr: The new Symmio contract address.



Events Emitted:

  • SetSymmioAddress(address oldSymmioAddress, address newSymmioAddress)


Description: Restricts or lifts restrictions on specific function selectors. If a selector is restricted, only callers with the MANAGER_ROLE may invoke the function on the Symmio contract.

Function Signature:

function setRestrictedSelector(bytes4 selector, bool state) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE);


  • selector: The function selector to restrict/unrestrict.

  • state: true to restrict, false to unrestrict.


bytes4 selector = bytes4(keccak256("someFunction()"));
symmioPartyB.setRestrictedSelector(selector, true);

Events Emitted:

  • SetRestrictedSelector(bytes4 selector, bool state)


Description: Allows a manager to add or remove an address from the multicast whitelist. Only addresses on the whitelist can be called via the multicasting functionality.

Function Signature:

function setMulticastWhitelist(address addr, bool state) external onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE);


  • addr: The address to update.

  • state: true to whitelist, false to remove.


symmioPartyB.setMulticastWhitelist(targetAddress, true);

Events Emitted:

  • SetMulticastWhitelist(address addr, bool state)

Token Approvals


Description: Approves a specified ERC20 token amount for spending by the Symmio contract. Only callable by users with the TRUSTED_ROLE and when the contract is not paused.

Function Signature:

function _approve(address token, uint256 amount) external onlyRole(TRUSTED_ROLE) whenNotPaused;


  • token: The ERC20 token address.

  • amount: The amount to approve.


symmioPartyB._approve(tokenAddress, 1000);

Execution Functions


Description: Executes a low-level call to a destination address using the provided call data. This function now includes a custom nonReentrant modifier to prevent reentrancy attacks. It enforces role-based access control depending on the destination and function selector.

Function Signature:

function _executeCall(address destAddress, bytes memory callData) internal nonReentrant;


  • destAddress: The destination address for the call.

  • callData: The call data (must be at least 4 bytes).

Key Logic:

  • Validates that destAddress is not zero.

  • Checks the length of callData.

  • If calling the Symmio contract (destAddress == symmioAddress), extracts the function selector and enforces:

    • If restricted, the caller must have MANAGER_ROLE.

    • Otherwise, the caller must have either MANAGER_ROLE or TRUSTED_ROLE.

  • If calling another contract, verifies that the destination is whitelisted.

  • Executes the call and reverts if it fails.


Executes multiple calls to the Symmio contract by iterating over an array of call data, using _executeCall for each entry.

Function Signature:

function _call(bytes[] calldata _callDatas) external whenNotPaused;


  • _callDatas: An array of call data bytes.

Example Usage:

bytes[] memory calls = new bytes[](2);
// Populate calls with call data...


Description: Allows the caller to execute multiple calls to various destination addresses in a single transaction. Each destination address must correspond to a call data element, and reentrancy protection is enforced on each call.

Function Signature:

function _multicastCall(address[] calldata destAddresses, bytes[] calldata _callDatas) external whenNotPaused;


  • destAddresses: An array of destination addresses.

  • _callDatas: An array of call data bytes.

Example Usage:

address[] memory targets = new address[](2);
targets[0] = targetAddress1;
targets[1] = targetAddress2;
bytes[] memory callsData = new bytes[](2);
// Populate callsData...
symmioPartyB._multicastCall(targets, callsData);

Token Withdrawal


Allows an authorized manager to withdraw ERC20 tokens from the contract to the caller's address.

Function Signature:

function withdrawERC20(address token, uint256 amount) external onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE);


  • token: The ERC20 token address.

  • amount: The amount to withdraw.

Example Usage:

symmioPartyB.withdrawERC20(tokenAddress, 100);

Pausable Functions

pause() / unpause()

Description: Allows users with the PAUSER_ROLE to pause the contract and users with the UNPAUSER_ROLE to unpause it, thereby controlling the execution of functions.

Function Signatures:

function pause() external onlyRole(PAUSER_ROLE);
function unpause() external onlyRole(UNPAUSER_ROLE);

Example Usage:


Last updated