Creating an Account and Depositing Funds

In SYMM, managing your trading capital starts with creating a dedicated sub‑account via the MultiAccount contract. These sub‑accounts allow you to interact with the SYMM system by forwarding your calls through your deployed account contract.

Step 1: Creating a Sub‑Account

  1. Navigate to the MultiAccount Contract:

    • Use your preferred blockchain explorer or development tool to interact with the MultiAccount contract.

  2. Call addAccount():

    • Call addAccount(string name) function, passing a name for your sub‑account.

    • Example Call:

  3. Check Transaction Logs:

    • Once the transaction is mined, look for the AddAccount event in the transaction logs. An AddAccount event will be emitted:

      AddAccount(address owner, address account, string name)
  4. Query Your Accounts:

    • You can also use the view function getAccounts(address user, uint256 start, uint256 size) on the MultiAccount contract to retrieve an array of your sub‑accounts.

    • Parameters:

      • user: Your wallet address.

      • start: The starting index (for pagination).

      • size: The number of accounts to return.

    • This returns a list of Account structs that include both the sub‑account addresses and their assigned names.

Step 2: Depositing and Allocating Funds

After creating your sub‑account, the next step is to fund it. SYMM uses a two‑step process where you first deposit funds and then allocate those funds for trading.

Use the depositAndAllocateForAccount() function on the MultiAccount contract rather than the deposit/allocate functions on the Diamond contract to deposit and allocate to a sub-account.

  1. Call depositAndAllocateForAccount():

    • This function deposits collateral into your sub‑account and immediately allocates it for trading.

    • Function Signature:

      function depositAndAllocateForAccount(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyOwner(account, msg.sender) whenNotPaused;
    • Parameters:

      • account: The address of your sub‑account.

      • amount: The amount of collateral you wish to deposit (in the token's native decimals).

  2. Process:

    • The function retrieves the collateral token address from the Symmio platform.

    • It then transfers the specified amount from your wallet to the MultiAccount contract.

    • The contract approves the Symmio contract to spend the collateral.

    • It calls the depositFor(account, amount) function on the Symmio contract.

    • The amount is converted into 18‑decimals and passed to the allocate(uint256) function via an internal call.

    • Example Call (JavaScript with web3):

      const depositAmount = web3.utils.toWei("10", "ether");
      await multiAccountContract.methods
        .depositAndAllocateForAccount(subAccountAddress, depositAmount)
        .send({ from: myWalletAddress });
  3. Events:

    • On successful execution, the function emits two events:

      • DepositForAccount: Indicates that funds have been deposited into the sub‑account.

      • AllocateForAccount: Confirms that the deposited funds have been allocated for trading.

The collateral token address can be found by calling getCollateral() on the SYMM Diamond's view facet

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