MuonStorage (0.8.4)
The MuonStorage library provides a storage slot for Muon‑related configuration data. This storage is used by various LibMuon modules to retrieve settings such as signature validity periods, appication identifiers, public keys, and trusted gateway addresses.
Data Structures
The following structures define the key signature and configuration data types used throughout the Muon ecosystem:
A Schnorr signature is used for cryptographic verification.
signature: The actual signature (uint256).
owner: The address of the entity that generated the signature.
nonce: An additional parameter to ensure uniqueness (prevents replay attacks).
Represents a public key for signature verification.
x: The x‑coordinate on the elliptic curve.
parity: The parity of the y‑coordinate, enabling recovery of the full public key.
Used for verifying a single unrealized profit and loss (uPnl) computation for one party.
reqId: A unique identifier for the request.
timestamp: The time the signature was generated.
upnl: The calculated uPnl (can be positive or negative).
gatewaySignature: A secondary signature from Muon.
sigs: A SchnorrSign structure containing the primary signature.
Extends the single uPnl signature by including asset price information.
price: The asset’s price used in uPnl verification.
Contains uPnl values for two parties (Party A and Party B).
upnlPartyA: uPnl for Party A.
upnlPartyB: uPnl for Party B.
Combines pair uPnl data with price information.
price: The asset price relevant for both parties’ uPnl calculations.
An extension that supports multiple symbols.
symbolIds: An array of symbol identifiers.
prices: An array of corresponding prices.
Used for deferred liquidation scenarios where access revocation or delayed processing is needed.
liquidationBlockNumber: Block number when insolvency was detected.
liquidationTimestamp: Timestamp of insolvency.
liquidationAllocatedBalance: The allocated balance at insolvency.
liquidationId: Unique liquidation event identifier.
upnl: The uPnl at the time of insolvency.
totalUnrealizedLoss: The total loss triggering liquidation.
symbolIds & prices: Arrays of involved symbol IDs and their prices.
Similar to DeferredLiquidationSig but used in immediate liquidation scenarios.
Used for verifying price data for multiple quotes simultaneously.
quoteIds: An array of quote identifiers.
prices: Corresponding prices for each quote.
Provides detailed price range information for a single symbol.
symbolId: Identifier for the trading symbol.
highest: The highest observed price in the period.
lowest: The lowest observed price in the period.
averagePrice: The average price over a specified period.
startTime & endTime: The time window during which the prices were observed.
currentPrice: The current price used for calculations.
upnlPartyB & upnlPartyA: uPnl values for both parties (if applicable).
Holds settlement-specific data for a quote.
quoteId: The identifier of the quote.
currentPrice: The price at settlement.
partyBUpnlIndex: An index indicating which Party B's uPnl is used.
Used during settlement to aggregate quote settlement data and overall uPnl information.
quotesSettlementsData: An array of
structures.upnlPartyBs: An array of uPnl values for Party Bs.
upnlPartyA: The uPnl value for Party A.
MuonStorage Library
The MuonStorage library is designed to reserve a specific storage slot for all Muon‑related configuration data. It provides a single method to access the layout and thereby the Muon settings.
Storage Layout
The layout is defined in a struct that holds:
upnlValidTime: The duration (in seconds) during which a uPnl signature remains valid.
priceValidTime: The validity period for price data.
priceQuantityValidTime: (Currently unused; may be removed in a future update.)
muonAppId: A unique identifier for the Muon application.
muonPublicKey: The public key (of type
) used to verify signatures.validGateway: The address of the trusted gateway whose signatures are accepted.
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