Frequently Used Queries

Useful Query Functions

The following functions allow you to retrieve essential information from the SYMM system. These functions are designed to help frontend applications display account data. All functions are to be called on the Diamond contract, which will delegate the call to the appropriate facets. You can use a diamond inspection tool like Louper to interact with the contracts in a more user-friendly way.


Returns the allocated balance for a given sub‑account. This balance represents the collateral that is “free”—i.e., not locked in open positions. Full documentation here.


Provides detailed balance information for Party A. This includes allocated balances, locked balances, pending locked funds, and other relevant metrics. Full documentation here.


Retrieves the cooldown period required before funds can be withdrawn following a deallocation. This period is typically set to 12 hours.


Returns an array of all open positions held by Party A. Full documentation here.


Fetches detailed information about a specific quote. Use this function to review all parameters of a quote submitted by a user. Full documentation here.


Returns details about a trading symbol, including its name, trading fee, and other configuration parameters. Full documentation here.


Provides the total number of open positions held by Party A. This is useful for quickly assessing account exposure. Full documentation here.


Retrieves the withdrawal cooldown timestamp for a sub‑account, indicating when funds will next be available for withdrawal. Full documentation here.

Data Structures

These data structures form the backbone of SYMM’s trading engine. They define the various states and parameters associated with quotes and positions. When querying the Diamond, functions like getQuote() return these structures to provide a complete picture of a trade’s configuration and status.



This structure holds the risk and margin parameters for a quote.

struct LockedValues {
    uint256 cva;       // Credit Value Adjustment
    uint256 lf;        // Liquidator Fee
    uint256 partyAmm;  // Party A Maintenance Margin
    uint256 partyBmm;  // Party B Maintenance Margin


The Quote struct contains comprehensive information about a trade request, including pricing, quantities, and state.

struct Quote {
	uint256 id;
	address[] partyBsWhiteList;
	uint256 symbolId;
	PositionType positionType;
	OrderType orderType;
	// Price of quote which PartyB opened in 18 decimals
	uint256 openedPrice;
	uint256 initialOpenedPrice;
	// Price of quote which PartyA requested in 18 decimals
	uint256 requestedOpenPrice;
	uint256 marketPrice;
	// Quantity of quote which PartyA requested in 18 decimals
	uint256 quantity;
	// Quantity of quote which PartyB has closed until now in 18 decimals
	uint256 closedAmount;
	LockedValues initialLockedValues;
	LockedValues lockedValues;
	uint256 maxFundingRate;
	address partyA;
	address partyB;
	QuoteStatus quoteStatus;
	uint256 avgClosedPrice;
	uint256 requestedClosePrice;
	uint256 quantityToClose;
	// handle partially open position
	uint256 parentId;
	uint256 createTimestamp;
	uint256 statusModifyTimestamp;
	uint256 lastFundingPaymentTimestamp;
	uint256 deadline;
	uint256 tradingFee;
	address affiliate;

Field Explanations

  • id: Unique identifier for the quote.

  • partyBsWhiteList: Array of addresses representing the Party B (hedger/solver) candidates eligible to accept the quote.

  • symbolId: Identifier for the trading symbol associated with the quote.

  • positionType: Indicates whether the position is LONG or SHORT.

  • orderType: Specifies the order type: LIMIT or MARKET. (See Enums)

  • openedPrice: The price at which Party B opened the position .

  • initialOpenedPrice: The initial opened price when the position was first executed.

  • requestedOpenPrice: The price that Party A requested for opening the position (in 18 decimals).

  • marketPrice: The current market price as provided by the Muon signature (in 18 decimals).

  • quantity: The total quantity requested by Party A (expressed in 18 decimals).

  • closedAmount: The amount of the position that has been closed so far (in 18 decimals).

  • initialLockedValues: The original locked values as set by Party A.

  • lockedValues: The current locked risk parameters. In partial fill scenarios, this reflects the remaining locked values after part of the quote has been executed.

  • maxFundingRate: The maximum funding rate that Party A requested for the quote (in 18 decimals).

  • partyA: Party A (the trader).

  • partyB: Party B (the hedger/solver), if assigned.

  • quoteStatus: The current state of the quote (e.g., PENDING, OPENED, CLOSED).

  • avgClosedPrice: The average price at which parts of the quote have been closed.

  • requestedClosePrice: The price at which Party A requests the position to be closed.

  • quantityToClose: The amount of the position that Party A intends to close.

  • parentId: The identifier of a parent quote, used when the quote is partially filled.

  • createTimestamp: The timestamp when the quote was created.

  • statusModifyTimestamp: The timestamp of the last update to the quote’s status.

  • lastFundingPaymentTimestamp: The time at which the last funding payment was charged on this quote.

  • deadline: The deadline by which the quote must be executed or closed.

  • tradingFee: The fee associated with trading, deducted from the quote (this is only charged on open)

  • affiliate: The affiliate address associated with the quote, linking the quote to a frontend.


The Symbol struct contains data related to each symbol.

struct Symbol {
	uint256 symbolId; //id
	string name;
	bool isValid; //Valid if the symbol is listed
	uint256 minAcceptableQuoteValue; //Smallest acceptable notional value
	uint256 minAcceptablePortionLF; //Minimum acceptable fee to be rewarded to the liquidator
	uint256 tradingFee; //Trading fee, this is only charged on open
	uint256 maxLeverage; //Max Leverage
	uint256 fundingRateEpochDuration; //How long each funding rate epoch is
	uint256 fundingRateWindowTime; //The window of time in which funding can be charged per epoch



enum PositionType {
	LONG, //0
	SHORT //1


enum OrderType {
	LIMIT, //0


enum QuoteStatus {
	LOCKED, //1
	OPENED, //4
	CLOSED, //7

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