1. Intent Creation

The lifecycle of an Intent begins with PartyA (traders) initiating a trade request on the SYMMIO platform by specifying key parameters for the desired trade. This request, known as an "Intent," is broadcast on-chain via the platform's core contracts. Once posted, it becomes visible to PartyB, the hedgers or market makers, who have the option to review and respond.

Hedgers/Solvers monitor these on-chain requests using tools such as event listeners or subgraphs. They evaluate the parameters of each Intent against their strategy, risk profile, and market conditions. If a hedger decides to proceed, they can claim the Intent and respond by submitting a corresponding transaction on-chain. This transaction indicates their agreement to the proposed terms or includes any modifications they deem necessary, such as an adjusted price or collateral requirement.

PartyA SendQuote Flow Overview

  • Creates a Sub-Account: Through A MultiAccount contract deployed by a frontend.

  • Deposits and Allocates Collateral: To the created sub-account.

  • sendQuote() with the desired parameters. This requires two things:

    • A Muon Signature is fetched verifying the partyA's ability to open a position, and the price of the asset (this is usually handled by the frontend)

    • The transaction is encoded via the _call() function on the MultiAccount contract, which will forward to sendQuote() on the Diamond contract.

After being whitelisted as a PartyB by the SYMMIO developers, hedgers can use the Cloverfield interface to allow them to send quotes using the sendQuote functionality. This interface enables hedgers to easily verify the functionality of their service and test their strategies and workflows in real time.

More documentation on sendQuote is available here (0.8.2, 0.8.3)

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