Funding Rate Facet

The Funding Rate Facet is responsible for applying funding rates to open positions.


The chargeFundingRate function is designed to periodically adjust the openedPrice of a quote based on funding rates. This function is callled with an array of quotes and rates. This adjustment reflects the cost or gain from holding positions over time, aligning with market conditions.

    function chargeFundingRate(
        address partyA,
        uint256[] memory quoteIds,
        int256[] memory rates,
        PairUpnlSig memory upnlSig
    ) internal {}

Epoch Timestamps and Window Time:

epochDuration: This represents the total duration of a funding rate period. It is defined per symbol and dictates how often the funding rate should be applied.

epochDuration = SymbolStorage.layout().symbols[quote.symbolId].fundingRateEpochDuration;

windowTime: This is the specific time window within the epoch when the funding rate can be applied. It ensures that funding rate adjustments are made only during this designated period.

windowTime = SymbolStorage.layout().symbols[quote.symbolId].fundingRateWindowTime;


    function chargeFundingRate(
        address partyA,
        uint256[] memory quoteIds,
        int256[] memory rates,
        PairUpnlSig memory upnlSig
    ) internal {
        LibMuon.verifyPairUpnl(upnlSig, msg.sender, partyA);
        require(quoteIds.length == rates.length && quoteIds.length > 0, "PartyBFacet: Length not match");
        int256 partyBAvailableBalance = LibAccount.partyBAvailableBalanceForLiquidation(
        int256 partyAAvailableBalance = LibAccount.partyAAvailableBalanceForLiquidation(
        uint256 epochDuration;
        uint256 windowTime;
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < quoteIds.length; i++) {
            Quote storage quote = QuoteStorage.layout().quotes[quoteIds[i]];
            require(quote.partyA == partyA, "PartyBFacet: Invalid quote");
            require(quote.partyB == msg.sender, "PartyBFacet: Sender isn't partyB of quote");
                quote.quoteStatus == QuoteStatus.OPENED ||
                    quote.quoteStatus == QuoteStatus.CLOSE_PENDING ||
                    quote.quoteStatus == QuoteStatus.CANCEL_CLOSE_PENDING,
                "PartyBFacet: Invalid state"
            epochDuration = SymbolStorage.layout().symbols[quote.symbolId].fundingRateEpochDuration;
            require(epochDuration > 0, "PartyBFacet: Zero funding epoch duration");
            windowTime = SymbolStorage.layout().symbols[quote.symbolId].fundingRateWindowTime;
            uint256 latestEpochTimestamp = (block.timestamp / epochDuration) * epochDuration;
            uint256 paidTimestamp;
            if (block.timestamp <= latestEpochTimestamp + windowTime) {
                    latestEpochTimestamp > quote.lastFundingPaymentTimestamp,
                    "PartyBFacet: Funding already paid for this window"
                paidTimestamp = latestEpochTimestamp;
            } else {
                uint256 nextEpochTimestamp = latestEpochTimestamp + epochDuration;
                    block.timestamp >= nextEpochTimestamp - windowTime,
                    "PartyBFacet: Current timestamp is out of window"
                    nextEpochTimestamp > quote.lastFundingPaymentTimestamp,
                    "PartyBFacet: Funding already paid for this window"
                paidTimestamp = nextEpochTimestamp;
            if (rates[i] >= 0) {
                    uint256(rates[i]) <= quote.maxFundingRate,
                    "PartyBFacet: High funding rate"
                uint256 priceDiff = (quote.openedPrice * uint256(rates[i])) / 1e18;
                if (quote.positionType == PositionType.LONG) {
                    quote.openedPrice += priceDiff;
                } else {
                    quote.openedPrice -= priceDiff;
                partyAAvailableBalance -= int256(LibQuote.quoteOpenAmount(quote) * priceDiff / 1e18);
                partyBAvailableBalance += int256(LibQuote.quoteOpenAmount(quote) * priceDiff / 1e18);
            } else {
                    uint256(-rates[i]) <= quote.maxFundingRate,
                    "PartyBFacet: High funding rate"
                uint256 priceDiff = (quote.openedPrice * uint256(-rates[i])) / 1e18;
                if (quote.positionType == PositionType.LONG) {
                    quote.openedPrice -= priceDiff;
                } else {
                    quote.openedPrice += priceDiff;
                partyAAvailableBalance += int256(LibQuote.quoteOpenAmount(quote) * priceDiff / 1e18);
                partyBAvailableBalance -= int256(LibQuote.quoteOpenAmount(quote) * priceDiff / 1e18);
            quote.lastFundingPaymentTimestamp = paidTimestamp;
        require(partyAAvailableBalance >= 0, "PartyBFacet: PartyA will be insolvent");
        require(partyBAvailableBalance >= 0, "PartyBFacet: PartyB will be insolvent");
        AccountStorage.layout().partyBNonces[msg.sender][partyA] += 1;
        AccountStorage.layout().partyANonces[partyA] += 1;

For each quote, the function retrieves the current settings from SymbolStorage, including the epochDuration and windowTime. The latestEpochTimestamp is calculated by dividing the current block timestamp by the epochDuration and multiplying back by epochDuration. This calculation finds the start of the current epoch. The function then checks if the current block time is within the window to apply funding rates based on the latestEpochTimestamp and windowTime.

Adjusting the Open Price:

Depending on whether the position is long or short, the open price is adjusted upwards or downwards by a proportion of the open price multiplied by the funding rate (rate[i]). The adjustment is either added to or subtracted from the openedPrice based on the position type (long or short). Balances for Party A and Party B are updated to reflect the monetary impact of the price adjustment.

Post-Adjustment Checks:

After all quotes have been processed and adjusted, the function checks to ensure that neither Party A nor Party B becomes insolvent as a result of the funding rate application.

Update Nonces and Balances:

Nonces in AccountStorage are incremented to prevent replay attacks and ensure state consistency. The balances are updated to reflect the applied funding rates.

Last updated


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