
The MuonStorage contract is designed to help facilitate the verification of data related to trading. It outlines the structure of various signatures and configurations.



Represents a Schnorr signature, which is used for cryptographic verification of transactions and data. It includes:

struct SchnorrSign {
    uint256 signature;
    address owner;
    address nonce;
  • signature: The actual signature.

  • owner: The address of the owner who generated the signature.

  • nonce: An additional parameter used to ensure the uniqueness of the signature, preventing replay attacks.


Represents a public key used in cryptographic operations.

struct PublicKey {
    uint256 x;
    uint8 parity;
  • x: The x-coordinate of the public key on the elliptic curve.

  • parity: Indicates the parity of the y-coordinate of the public key, which helps in recovering the full public key from the x-coordinate alone.


Stores the signature for a single unrealized profit and loss (uPnl) computation.

struct SingleUpnlSig {
    bytes reqId;
    uint256 timestamp;
    int256 upnl;
    bytes gatewaySignature;
    SchnorrSign sigs;
  • reqId: A unique identifier for the request.

  • timestamp: The timestamp when the signature was generated.

  • upnl: The unrealized profit or loss.

  • gatewaySignature: Additional security layer provided by a gateway signature.

  • sigs: Embedded Schnorr signature for verification.


Extends SingleUpnlSig by adding price information, used for verifying computations involving both uPnl and asset prices.

struct SingleUpnlAndPriceSig {
    bytes reqId;
    uint256 timestamp;
    int256 upnl;
    uint256 price;
    bytes gatewaySignature;
    SchnorrSign sigs;
  • price: The price of the asset.


Contains signatures for calculations involving two parties (PartyA and PartyB).

struct PairUpnlSig {
    bytes reqId;
    uint256 timestamp;
    int256 upnlPartyA;
    int256 upnlPartyB;
    bytes gatewaySignature;
    SchnorrSign sigs;
  • upnlPartyA and upnlPartyB: uPnl values for both parties.

  • Includes all other fields from SingleUpnlSig.


Combines features of PairUpnlSig and SingleUpnlAndPriceSig for scenarios where both uPnl calculations and price verifications are necessary for two parties.

struct PairUpnlAndPriceSig {
    bytes reqId;
    uint256 timestamp;
    int256 upnlPartyA;
    int256 upnlPartyB;
    uint256 price;
    bytes gatewaySignature;
    SchnorrSign sigs;


Signature struct specifically designed for use in liquidation scenarios.

struct LiquidationSig {
    bytes reqId;
    uint256 timestamp;
    bytes liquidationId;
    int256 upnl;
    int256 totalUnrealizedLoss; 
    uint256[] symbolIds;
    uint256[] prices;
    bytes gatewaySignature;
    SchnorrSign sigs;
  • liquidationId: Identifier for the specific liquidation event.

  • totalUnrealizedLoss: Represents the total unrealized loss leading to liquidation.

  • symbolIds and prices: Lists of symbol identifiers and their corresponding prices involved in the liquidation.


Utilized for verifying the prices of multiple quotes in a single operation.

struct QuotePriceSig {
    bytes reqId;
    uint256 timestamp;
    uint256[] quoteIds;
    uint256[] prices;
    bytes gatewaySignature;
    SchnorrSign sigs;
  • quoteIds: List of quote identifiers.

  • prices: Corresponding prices for the quotes.

Last updated


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