Modified Events

Accounting Events


Old Event:

event AllocatePartyA(address user, uint256 amount);

New Event:

event AllocatePartyA(address user, uint256 amount, uint256 newAllocatedBalance);


Old Event:

event DeallocatePartyA(address user, uint256 amount);

New Event:

event DeallocatePartyA(address user, uint256 amount, uint256 newAllocatedBalance);


Old Event:

event AllocateForPartyB(address partyB, address partyA, uint256 amount);

New Event:

event AllocateForPartyB(address partyB, address partyA, uint256 amount, uint256 newAllocatedBalance);


Old Event:

event DeallocateForPartyB(address partyB, address partyA, uint256 amount);

New Event:

event DeallocateForPartyB(address partyB, address partyA, uint256 amount, uint256 newAllocatedBalance);


Old Event:

event TransferAllocation(uint256 amount, address origin, address recipient);

New Event:

event TransferAllocation(uint256 amount, address origin, uint256 originNewAllocatedBalance, address recipient, uint256 recipientNewAllocatedBalance);

Control Events


Old Event:

event SetMuonConfig(uint256 upnlValidTime, uint256 priceValidTime, uint256 priceQuantityValidTime);

New Event:

event SetMuonConfig(uint256 upnlValidTime, uint256 priceValidTime);


Old Event:

event SetFeeCollector(address oldFeeCollector, address newFeeCollector);

New Event:

event SetFeeCollector(address affiliate, address oldFeeCollector, address newFeeCollector);


Old Event:

event SetForceCloseCooldown(uint256 oldForceCloseCooldown, uint256 newForceCloseCooldown);

New Event:

event SetForceCloseCooldowns(uint256 oldForceCloseFirstCooldown, uint256 newForceCloseFirstCooldown, uint256 oldForceCloseSecondCooldown, uint256 newForceCloseSecondCooldown);


Old Event:

event SetForceCloseGapRatio(uint256 oldForceCloseGapRatio, uint256 newForceCloseGapRatio);

New Event:

event SetForceCloseGapRatio(uint256 symbolId, uint256 oldForceCloseGapRatio, uint256 newForceCloseGapRatio);

Liquidation Events


Old Event:

event SetSymbolsPrices(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256[] symbolIds, uint256[] prices);

New Event:

event SetSymbolsPrices(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256[] symbolIds, uint256[] prices, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event LiquidatePartyA(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256 allocatedBalance, int256 upnl, int256 totalUnrealizedLoss);

New Event:

event LiquidatePartyA(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256 allocatedBalance, int256 upnl, int256 totalUnrealizedLoss, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event LiquidatePositionsPartyA(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256[] quoteIds);

New Event:

event LiquidatePositionsPartyA(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256[] quoteIds, uint256[] liquidatedAmounts, uint256[] closeIds, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event LiquidatePendingPositionsPartyA(address liquidator, address partyA);

New Event:

event LiquidatePendingPositionsPartyA(address liquidator, address partyA, uint256[] quoteIds, uint256[] liquidatedAmounts, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event SettlePartyALiquidation(address partyA, address[] partyBs, int256[] amounts);

New Event:

event SettlePartyALiquidation(address partyA, address[] partyBs, int256[] amounts, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event LiquidationDisputed(address partyA);

New Event:

event LiquidationDisputed(address partyA, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event ResolveLiquidationDispute(address partyA, address[] partyBs, int256[] amounts, bool disputed);

New Event:

event ResolveLiquidationDispute(address partyA, address[] partyBs, int256[] amounts, bool disputed, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event FullyLiquidatedPartyA(address partyA);

New Event:

event FullyLiquidatedPartyA(address partyA, bytes liquidationId);


Old Event:

event LiquidatePositionsPartyB(address liquidator, address partyB, address partyA, uint256[] quoteIds);

New Event:

event LiquidatePositionsPartyB(address liquidator, address partyB, address partyA, uint256[] quoteIds, uint256[] liquidatedAmounts, uint256[] closeIds);

Close Events


Old Event:

event RequestToClosePosition(address partyA, address partyB, uint256 quoteId, uint256 closePrice, uint256 quantityToClose, OrderType orderType, uint256 deadline, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event RequestToClosePosition(address partyA, address partyB, uint256 quoteId, uint256 closePrice, uint256 quantityToClose, OrderType orderType, uint256 deadline, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);


Old Event:

event RequestToCancelCloseRequest(address partyA, address partyB, uint256 quoteId, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event RequestToCancelCloseRequest(address partyA, address partyB, uint256 quoteId, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);


Old Event:

event ForceCancelCloseRequest(uint256 quoteId, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event ForceCancelCloseRequest(uint256 quoteId, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);


Old Event:

event ForceClosePosition(uint256 quoteId, address partyA, address partyB, uint256 filledAmount, uint256 closedPrice, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event ForceClosePosition(uint256 quoteId, address partyA, address partyB, uint256 filledAmount, uint256 closedPrice, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);


Old Event:

event FillCloseRequest(uint256 quoteId, address partyA, address partyB, uint256 filledAmount, uint256 closedPrice, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event FillCloseRequest(uint256 quoteId, address partyA, address partyB, uint256 filledAmount, uint256 closedPrice, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);


Old Event:

event AcceptCancelCloseRequest(uint256 quoteId, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event AcceptCancelCloseRequest(uint256 quoteId, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);


Old Event:

event EmergencyClosePosition(uint256 quoteId, address partyA, address partyB, uint256 filledAmount, uint256 closedPrice, QuoteStatus quoteStatus);

New Event:

event EmergencyClosePosition(uint256 quoteId, address partyA, address partyB, uint256 filledAmount, uint256 closedPrice, QuoteStatus quoteStatus, uint256 closeId);

Last updated


All rights to the people (c) 2023 Symmetry Labs A.G.