Implement a Trading Bot on Symmio (OLD)

Building a Trading Bot for SYMM Contracts

This guide provides the essentials to develop a trading bot for interacting with SYMM's contracts without needing a frontend. This will cover:

  • Creating a Sub-Account: On behalf of the user to interact with SYMM's contracts.

  • Fetching Market Data: To ensure that we're executing an order on the correct pair.

  • Minting Collateral Tokens: For testing purposes.

  • Depositing and Allocating: Depositing and allocating collateral to a sub-account on behalf of the user.

  • Fetching Muon Signatures: To be passed and verified on the contracts, mainly for verifying the user's uPnL and the price of an asset

  • Monitoring Price: Monitoring the price from the Binance webSocket, and sending the quote with the hedger's quotePrice

  • Sending a Quote: Sending a Market Order quote on behalf of the user, with a pre-determined quantity.

Libraries used:

  • Axios

  • Bignumber.js

  • Web3

Follow along to create a trading bot that leverages SYMM's infrastructure directly.

Last updated