Control Facet

The ControlFacet serves as a critical component for administrative control and operational management within the system. This facet allows authorized users to perform essential functions such as transferring ownership, managing roles, and registering or deregistering entities. It also provides mechanisms to adjust operational parameters like cooldowns, penalties, and configuration settings for associated contracts and storage structures. By centralizing these capabilities, the ControlFacet ensures that administrative tasks are performed securely and efficiently.

Function Overview


Description: Transfers the ownership of the Diamond contract to another address. LibDiamond.setContractOwner emits an OwnershipTransferred event.

    function transferOwnership(address owner) external onlyOwner {
        require(owner != address(0), "ControlFacet: Zero address");

Input Parameters:

  • owner: the address of the new owner.

Storage Interactions: Updates the ds.contractOwner in DiamondStorage.

Event Structure

    event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);


Description: Grants an address with the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE.

    function setAdmin(address user) external onlyOwner {
        require(user != address(0), "ControlFacet: Zero address");
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().hasRole[user][LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE] = true;
        emit RoleGranted(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, user);

Input Parameters:

  • user: the address of the new admin.

Storage Interactions: Updates the hasRole mapping in GlobalAppStorage.

Event Structure

    event RoleGranted(bytes32 role, address user);


Description: Grants an address with a bytes32role.

    function grantRole(
        address user,
        bytes32 role
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        require(user != address(0), "ControlFacet: Zero address");
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().hasRole[user][role] = true;
        emit RoleGranted(role, user);

Input Parameters:

  • user: the address of the new admin.

  • role: the keccak256 hash of the role.

Storage Interactions: Updates the hasRole mapping in GlobalAppStorage.

Event Structure

    event RoleGranted(bytes32 role, address user);


Description: Revokes a specified role from an address. This function ensures that the specified user no longer holds the privileges associated with the role.

function revokeRole(
    address user,
    bytes32 role
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
    GlobalAppStorage.layout().hasRole[user][role] = false;
    emit RoleRevoked(role, user);

Input Parameters:

  • user: The address from which the role is to be revoked.

  • role: The bytes32 hash of the role being revoked.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the hasRole mapping in GlobalAppStorage, setting the specified role for the given user to false.

Event Structure:

    event RoleRevoked(bytes32 role, address user);


Description: Registers an address as "Party B" within the system.

function registerPartyB(
    address partyB
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PARTY_B_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    require(partyB != address(0), "ControlFacet: Zero address");
        "ControlFacet: Address is already registered"
    MAStorage.layout().partyBStatus[partyB] = true;
    emit RegisterPartyB(partyB);

Input Parameters:

  • partyB: The address to be registered as Party B.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the partyBStatus mapping in MAStorage to true, indicating that the address is registered as Party B.

  • Adds the address to the partyBList in MAStorage.

Event Structure:

    event RegisterPartyB(address partyB);


Description: Removes an address from the registered "Party B" list within the system.

function deregisterPartyB(
    address partyB,
    uint256 index
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PARTY_B_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    require(partyB != address(0), "ControlFacet: Zero address");
    require(MAStorage.layout().partyBStatus[partyB], "ControlFacet: Address is not registered");
    require(MAStorage.layout().partyBList[index] == partyB, "ControlFacet: Invalid index");
    uint256 lastIndex = MAStorage.layout().partyBList.length - 1;
    require(index <= lastIndex, "ControlFacet: Invalid index");
    MAStorage.layout().partyBStatus[partyB] = false;
    MAStorage.layout().partyBList[index] = MAStorage.layout().partyBList[lastIndex];
    emit DeregisterPartyB(partyB, index);

Input Parameters:

  • partyB: The address to be deregistered as Party B.

  • index: The position of the address in the partyBList to ensure accurate and safe removal.

Storage Interactions:

  • Sets partyBStatus for the address in MAStorage to false, indicating that it is no longer registered.

  • Replaces the entry at the specified index in partyBList with the last item in the list and then removes the last item.

Event Structure:

    event DeregisterPartyB(address partyB, uint256 index);


Description: Configures the operational parameters related to the Muon network.

function setMuonConfig(
    uint256 upnlValidTime,
    uint256 priceValidTime,
    uint256 priceQuantityValidTime
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.MUON_SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetMuonConfig(upnlValidTime, priceValidTime, priceQuantityValidTime);
    MuonStorage.Layout storage muonLayout = MuonStorage.layout();
    muonLayout.upnlValidTime = upnlValidTime;
    muonLayout.priceValidTime = priceValidTime;
    muonLayout.priceQuantityValidTime = priceQuantityValidTime;

Input Parameters:

  • upnlValidTime: The duration that the UPnL data remains valid.

  • priceValidTime: The duration that the price data is considered valid.

  • priceQuantityValidTime: The duration for which the price quantity data remains valid.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the upnlValidTime, priceValidTime, and priceQuantityValidTime in MuonStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetMuonConfig(uint256 upnlValidTime, uint256 priceValidTime, uint256 priceQuantityValidTime);


Description: Sets the identifiers and gateway address associated with the Muon network configuration for the system. These settings are vital for securing and validating interactions with the Muon network.

function setMuonIds(
    uint256 muonAppId,
    address validGateway,
    PublicKey memory publicKey
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.MUON_SETTER_ROLE) {
    MuonStorage.Layout storage muonLayout = MuonStorage.layout();
    muonLayout.muonAppId = muonAppId;
    muonLayout.validGateway = validGateway;
    muonLayout.muonPublicKey = publicKey;
    emit SetMuonIds(muonAppId, validGateway, publicKey.x, publicKey.parity);

Input Parameters:

  • muonAppId: The application ID for the Muon network.

  • validGateway: The address of the gateway used for Muon network validations.

  • publicKey: A PublicKey struct containing the elliptic curve public key (x coordinate and parity) used for cryptographic operations in the Muon network.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the muonAppId, validGateway, and muonPublicKey in MuonStorage. These parameters are crucial for ensuring that the system communicates correctly and securely with the Muon network.

Event Structure:

event SetMuonIds(uint256 muonAppId, address validGateway, uint256 publicKeyX, bool publicKeyParity);


Description: Configures the primary collateral type used within the system. This function sets a specific ERC20 token as the collateral for transactions and operations.

function setCollateral(
    address collateral
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
    require(collateral != address(0), "ControlFacet: Zero address");
        IERC20Metadata(collateral).decimals() <= 18,
        "ControlFacet: Token with more than 18 decimals not allowed"
    if (GlobalAppStorage.layout().collateral != address(0)) {
            IERC20Metadata(GlobalAppStorage.layout().collateral).balanceOf(address(this)) == 0,
            "ControlFacet: There is still collateral in the contract"
    GlobalAppStorage.layout().collateral = collateral;
    emit SetCollateral(collateral);

Input Parameters:

  • collateral: The address of the ERC20 token to be set as collateral.

Storage Interactions:

  • Validates the current balance of any previously set collateral to ensure it is zero before proceeding.

  • Updates the collateral address in GlobalAppStorage to the new token address specified, ensuring that all future transactions use the newly specified token as collateral.

Event Structure:

event SetCollateral(address collateral);


Description: Registers a new trading symbol within the system. This function sets variables such as the minimum quote value, leverage, trading fee, and the parameters governing the funding rate.

function addSymbol(
    string memory name,
    uint256 minAcceptableQuoteValue,
    uint256 minAcceptablePortionLF,
    uint256 tradingFee,
    uint256 maxLeverage,
    uint256 fundingRateEpochDuration,
    uint256 fundingRateWindowTime
) public onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SYMBOL_MANAGER_ROLE) {
        fundingRateWindowTime < fundingRateEpochDuration / 2,
        "ControlFacet: High window time"
    require(tradingFee <= 1e18, "ControlFacet: High trading fee");
    uint256 lastId = ++SymbolStorage.layout().lastId;
    Symbol memory symbol = Symbol(
    SymbolStorage.layout().symbols[lastId] = symbol;
    emit AddSymbol(

Input Parameters:

  • name: The name of the symbol to be registered.

  • minAcceptableQuoteValue: The minimum value of a quote for the symbol to be considered valid.

  • minAcceptablePortionLF: The minimum portion assigned as a liquidator fee, awarded to the liquidator.

  • tradingFee: The fee charged per trade.

  • maxLeverage: The maximum leverage allowed for trading this symbol.

  • fundingRateEpochDuration: The duration of each funding rate epoch, during which interest rates are recalculated.

  • fundingRateWindowTime: The window of time within an epoch when the funding rate can be changed.

Storage Interactions:

  • Increments the lastId in SymbolStorage to assign a unique ID to the new symbol.

  • Stores the new symbol parameters in the symbols mapping of SymbolStorage, associating them with the newly incremented symbol ID.

Event Structure:

event AddSymbol(
    uint256 indexed symbolId,
    string name,
    uint256 minAcceptableQuoteValue,
    uint256 minAcceptablePortionLF,
    uint256 tradingFee,
    uint256 maxLeverage,
    uint256 fundingRateEpochDuration,
    uint256 fundingRateWindowTime


Description: Facilitates the batch registration of multiple trading symbols within the system. This function leverages the addSymbol function to register each symbol in the provided array.

function addSymbols(
    Symbol[] memory symbols
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SYMBOL_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    for (uint8 i; i < symbols.length; i++) {

Input Parameters:

  • symbols: An array of Symbol structs, each containing the necessary parameters to register a new trading symbol. Each Symbol struct includes:\

    • name: The name of the symbol to be registered.

    • minAcceptableQuoteValue: The minimum value of a quote for the symbol to be considered valid.

    • minAcceptablePortionLF: The minimum portion assigned as a liquidator fee, awarded to the liquidator.

    • tradingFee: The fee charged per trade, expressed in token units to a precision of 18 decimals.

    • maxLeverage: The maximum leverage allowed for trading this symbol.

    • fundingRateEpochDuration: The duration of each funding rate epoch, during which interest rates are recalculated.

    • fundingRateWindowTime: The window of time within an epoch when the funding rate can be changed.

Storage Interactions:

  • Calls the addSymbol function for each symbol in the array, which handles all storage interactions such as updating the SymbolStorage with new symbol IDs and their respective parameters.


Description: Adjusts the funding rate parameters for a specific trading symbol within the system.

function setSymbolFundingState(
    uint256 symbolId,
    uint256 fundingRateEpochDuration,
    uint256 fundingRateWindowTime
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SYMBOL_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    SymbolStorage.Layout storage symbolLayout = SymbolStorage.layout();
    require(symbolId >= 1 && symbolId <= symbolLayout.lastId, "ControlFacet: Invalid id");
        fundingRateWindowTime < fundingRateEpochDuration / 2,
        "ControlFacet: High window time"
    symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].fundingRateEpochDuration = fundingRateEpochDuration;
    symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].fundingRateWindowTime = fundingRateWindowTime;
    emit SetSymbolFundingState(symbolId, fundingRateEpochDuration, fundingRateWindowTime);

Input Parameters:

  • symbolId: The unique identifier of the symbol for which the funding state is being set.

  • fundingRateEpochDuration: The total duration of the funding rate epoch.

  • fundingRateWindowTime: The window of time within an epoch when the funding rate can be changed.

Storage Interactions:

Updates the fundingRateEpochDuration and fundingRateWindowTime for the specified symbol in SymbolStorage, ensuring that the symbol's financial operations adhere to the newly defined timings.

Event Structure:

event SetSymbolFundingState(uint256 symbolId, uint256 fundingRateEpochDuration, uint256 fundingRateWindowTime);


Description: Adjusts the maximum leverage allowed for a specific trading symbol within the platform.

function setSymbolMaxLeverage(
    uint256 symbolId,
    uint256 maxLeverage
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SYMBOL_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    SymbolStorage.Layout storage symbolLayout = SymbolStorage.layout();
    require(symbolId >= 1 && symbolId <= symbolLayout.lastId, "ControlFacet: Invalid id");
    emit SetSymbolMaxLeverage(symbolId, symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].maxLeverage, maxLeverage);
    symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].maxLeverage = maxLeverage;

Input Parameters:

  • symbolId: The identifier of the symbol for which the maximum leverage is being set.

  • maxLeverage: The new maximum leverage value to be set for the symbol.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the maxLeverage parameter for the specified symbol in SymbolStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetSymbolMaxLeverage(uint256 symbolId, uint256 previousMaxLeverage, uint256 newMaxLeverage);


Description: Updates the minimum acceptable quote value and the minimum acceptable portion of liquidator fees (LF) for a specific trading symbol.

function setSymbolAcceptableValues(
    uint256 symbolId,
    uint256 minAcceptableQuoteValue,
    uint256 minAcceptablePortionLF
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SYMBOL_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    SymbolStorage.Layout storage symbolLayout = SymbolStorage.layout();
    require(symbolId >= 1 && symbolId <= symbolLayout.lastId, "ControlFacet: Invalid id");
    emit SetSymbolAcceptableValues(
    symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].minAcceptableQuoteValue = minAcceptableQuoteValue;
    symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].minAcceptablePortionLF = minAcceptablePortionLF;

Input Parameters:

  • symbolId: The identifier of the symbol for which the values are being set.

  • minAcceptableQuoteValue: The new minimum quote value that must be met for trading transactions involving this symbol to be considered valid.

  • minAcceptablePortionLF: The new minimum liquidator fee portion awarded to the liquidator for transactions involving this symbol.

Storage Interactions:

  • Verifies the validity of the symbolId within the range of registered symbols in SymbolStorage.

  • Updates the minAcceptableQuoteValue and minAcceptablePortionLF for the specified symbol in SymbolStorage, ensuring that trading parameters align with the platform's financial and risk management policies.

Event Structure:

event SetSymbolAcceptableValues(
    uint256 symbolId,
    uint256 previousMinAcceptableQuoteValue,
    uint256 previousMinAcceptablePortionLF,
    uint256 newMinAcceptableQuoteValue,
    uint256 newMinAcceptablePortionLF


Description: Adjusts the trading fee for a specific trading symbol within the system.

function setSymbolTradingFee(
    uint256 symbolId,
    uint256 tradingFee
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SYMBOL_MANAGER_ROLE) {
    SymbolStorage.Layout storage symbolLayout = SymbolStorage.layout();
    require(symbolId >= 1 && symbolId <= symbolLayout.lastId, "ControlFacet: Invalid id");
    emit SetSymbolTradingFee(symbolId, symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].tradingFee, tradingFee);
    symbolLayout.symbols[symbolId].tradingFee = tradingFee;

Input Parameters:

  • symbolId: The identifier of the symbol for which the trading fee is being set.

  • tradingFee: The new trading fee amount.

Storage Interactions:

  • Validates the existence of the symbol by checking if the symbolId is within the valid range of registered symbols in SymbolStorage.

  • Updates the tradingFee for the specified symbol in SymbolStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetSymbolTradingFee(uint256 symbolId, uint256 previousTradingFee, uint256 newTradingFee);


Description: Sets the cooldown period for deallocation actions within the system.

function setDeallocateCooldown(
    uint256 deallocateCooldown
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetDeallocateCooldown(MAStorage.layout().deallocateCooldown, deallocateCooldown);
    MAStorage.layout().deallocateCooldown = deallocateCooldown;

Input Parameters:

  • deallocateCooldown: The duration (in seconds) to set as the new cooldown period for deallocation actions.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the deallocateCooldown in MAStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetDeallocateCooldown(uint256 previousCooldown


Description: Sets the cooldown period for force cancellation actions.

function setForceCancelCooldown(
    uint256 forceCancelCooldown
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetForceCancelCooldown(MAStorage.layout().forceCancelCooldown, forceCancelCooldown);
    MAStorage.layout().forceCancelCooldown = forceCancelCooldown;

Input Parameters:

  • forceCancelCooldown: The duration (in seconds) to set as the new cooldown period for force cancellation actions.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the forceCancelCooldown in MAStorage. This modification directly influences the minimum time interval between requesting a cancel and performing a force cancel action.

Event Structure:

event SetForceCancelCooldown(uint256 previousCooldown, uint256 newCooldown);


Description: Adjusts the cooldown period for force close action.

function setForceCloseCooldown(
    uint256 forceCloseCooldown
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetForceCloseCooldown(MAStorage.layout().forceCloseCooldown, forceCloseCooldown);
    MAStorage.layout().forceCloseCooldown = forceCloseCooldown;

Input Parameters:

  • forceCloseCooldown: The duration (in seconds) to set as the new cooldown period for force close actions.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the forceCloseCooldown in MAStorage. This modification directly influences the minimum time interval between requesting a close and performing a force close action.

Event Structure:

event SetForceCloseCooldown(uint256 previousCooldown, uint256 newCooldown);


Description: Sets the cooldown period for the force cancellation of close actions within the system.

function setForceCancelCloseCooldown(
    uint256 forceCancelCloseCooldown
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetForceCancelCloseCooldown(
    MAStorage.layout().forceCancelCloseCooldown = forceCancelCloseCooldown;

Input Parameters:

  • forceCancelCloseCooldown: The duration (in seconds) to set as the new cooldown period for cancelling force close actions.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the forceCancelCloseCooldown in MAStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetForceCancelCloseCooldown(uint256 previousCooldown, uint256 newCooldown);


Description: Adjusts the share percentage that a liquidator receives when executing a liquidation action.

function setLiquidatorShare(
    uint256 liquidatorShare
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetLiquidatorShare(MAStorage.layout().liquidatorShare, liquidatorShare);
    MAStorage.layout().liquidatorShare = liquidatorShare;

Input Parameters:

  • liquidatorShare: The new percentage (expressed as a fraction of 1e18 for precision) that a liquidator will receive as a reward for executing a liquidation.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the liquidatorShare in MAStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetLiquidatorShare(uint256 previousShare, uint256 newShare);


Description: Configures the ratio used to determine the gap between the market price and the trigger price for force-close actions.

function setForceCloseGapRatio(
    uint256 forceCloseGapRatio
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetForceCloseGapRatio(MAStorage.layout().forceCloseGapRatio, forceCloseGapRatio);
    MAStorage.layout().forceCloseGapRatio = forceCloseGapRatio;

Input Parameters:

  • forceCloseGapRatio: The new gap ratio applied to the requestedClosePrice which allows a user to force close a position.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the forceCloseGapRatio in MAStorage.

Event Structure:

event SetForceCloseGapRatio(uint256 previousRatio, uint256 newRatio);


Description: Sets the maximum amount of valid pending quotes for a partyA.

function setPendingQuotesValidLength(
    uint256 pendingQuotesValidLength
) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
    emit SetPendingQuotesValidLength(
    MAStorage.layout().pendingQuotesValidLength = pendingQuotesValidLength;

Input Parameters:

  • pendingQuotesValidLength: The maximum amount of pending quotes at one time for partyA.

Storage Interactions:

  • Updates the pendingQuotesValidLength in MAStorage. This adjustment ensures that the system accurately reflects the operational window for executing trades based on received quotes, adapting to market dynamics or regulatory requirements.

Event Structure:

event SetPendingQuotesValidLength(uint256 previousLength, uint256 newLength);

Pause/Miscellaneous functions


    function setFeeCollector(
        address feeCollector
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        require(feeCollector != address(0),"ControlFacet: Zero address");
        emit SetFeeCollector(GlobalAppStorage.layout().feeCollector, feeCollector);
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().feeCollector = feeCollector;

Purpose: Assigns the feeCollector address responsible for receiving system fees. Ensures the address is non-zero and updates GlobalAppStorage.


function pauseGlobal() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().globalPaused = true;
        emit PauseGlobal();

Purpose: Pauses all global operations within the system. Sets globalPaused to true in GlobalAppStorage.


function pauseLiquidation() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().liquidationPaused = true;
        emit PauseLiquidation();

Purpose: Temporarily halts all liquidation processes. Activates the liquidationPaused state in GlobalAppStorage.


    function pauseAccounting() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().accountingPaused = true;
        emit PauseAccounting();

Purpose: Suspends all accounting activities, setting accountingPaused to true in GlobalAppStorage.


    function pausePartyAActions() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().partyAActionsPaused = true;
        emit PausePartyAActions();

Purpose: Freezes all actions by Party A, setting partyAActionsPaused to true in GlobalAppStorage.


    function pausePartyBActions() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.PAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().partyBActionsPaused = true;
        emit PausePartyBActions();

Purpose: Disables all operational actions for Party B, setting partyBActionsPaused to true in GlobalAppStorage.


    function activeEmergencyMode() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().emergencyMode = true;
        emit ActiveEmergencyMode();

Purpose: Activates emergency mode across the system, setting emergencyMode to true in GlobalAppStorage.


function unpauseGlobal() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.UNPAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().globalPaused = false;
        emit UnpauseGlobal();

Purpose: Resumes all previously paused global operations by setting globalPaused to false in GlobalAppStorage.


    function unpauseLiquidation() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.UNPAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().liquidationPaused = false;
        emit UnpauseLiquidation();

Purpose: Reactivates liquidation processes by setting liquidationPaused to false in GlobalAppStorage.


    function unpauseAccounting() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.UNPAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().accountingPaused = false;
        emit UnpauseAccounting();

Purpose: Resumes all accounting activities by setting accountingPaused to false in GlobalAppStorage.


    function unpausePartyAActions() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.UNPAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().partyAActionsPaused = false;
        emit UnpausePartyAActions();

Purpose: Allows Party A to resume normal operations by setting partyAActionsPaused to false in GlobalAppStorage.


    function unpausePartyBActions() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.UNPAUSER_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().partyBActionsPaused = false;
        emit UnpausePartyBActions();

Purpose: Re-enables Party B actions by setting partyBActionsPaused to false in GlobalAppStorage.


    function setLiquidationTimeout(
        uint256 liquidationTimeout
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SETTER_ROLE) {
        emit SetLiquidationTimeout(MAStorage.layout().liquidationTimeout, liquidationTimeout);
        MAStorage.layout().liquidationTimeout = liquidationTimeout;

Purpose: Sets the timeout period for liquidations, updating the liquidationTimeout in MAStorage.


    function suspendedAddress(
        address user
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.SUSPENDER_ROLE) {
        require(user != address(0),"ControlFacet: Zero address");
        emit SetSuspendedAddress(user, true);
        AccountStorage.layout().suspendedAddresses[user] = true;

Purpose: Suspends activities for a specified user address, ensuring it is non-zero and updating suspendedAddresses in AccountStorage.


    function unsuspendedAddress(
        address user
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        require(user != address(0),"ControlFacet: Zero address");
        emit SetSuspendedAddress(user, false);
        AccountStorage.layout().suspendedAddresses[user] = false;

Purpose: Lifts suspension on a specified user address, ensuring it is non-zero and updating suspendedAddresses in AccountStorage.


    function deactiveEmergencyMode() external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().emergencyMode = false;
        emit DeactiveEmergencyMode();

Purpose: Deactivates emergency mode across the system, updating emergencyMode in GlobalAppStorage.


    function setBalanceLimitPerUser(
        uint256 balanceLimitPerUser
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        emit SetBalanceLimitPerUser(balanceLimitPerUser);
        GlobalAppStorage.layout().balanceLimitPerUser = balanceLimitPerUser;

Purpose: Sets the maximum balance limit per user, updating this value in GlobalAppStorage.


    function setPartyBEmergencyStatus(
        address[] memory partyBs,
        bool status
    ) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
        for (uint8 i; i < partyBs.length; i++) {
            require(partyBs[i] != address(0),"ControlFacet: Zero address");
            GlobalAppStorage.layout().partyBEmergencyStatus[partyBs[i]] = status;
            emit SetPartyBEmergencyStatus(partyBs[i], status);

Purpose: Sets the emergency status for multiple Party B addresses, ensuring non-zero addresses and updating partyBEmergencyStatus in GlobalAppStorage.

Last updated


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